
The quest for excellence began
way back in 1956

Under the dynamic leadership and guidance of our founder late Mr. Laxman N. Dalal,
Gurjar emerged as pioneers in photo engraving of copper rollers to print textiles. Gurjar
began a journey towards becoming the country’s most trusted and technically profi cient
engraver in the textile printing industry.

Innovating in sync with needs of the times, with the advent of rotary screen printing machines,
Gurjar was the fi rst to manufacture Galvano Designer Screens in 1972, and in 1979 with
technical collaboration from erstwhile Consolidated Engravers Corporation USA introduced
Perforated Nickel Rotary Screens under the brand name of Rotel® rotary screens, which are
the market benchmark for quality and acceptability till today even in the international arena.

With more than 50 years of experience

In electroforming and Screen making, has enabled Gurjar® to improve its rotary screens manufacturing
techniques to meet today’s rigorous market quality requirements giving them acceptance not only
in India but in the international market.


Think Local.
Build Global.

Core Team

With more than 60 years of existence and experience, GURJAR remains steadfast in its responsibility which extends its international grade product, valued customers and employees and includes the larger society & local community. We believe and have experienced over decades that the company's culture & values can have a larger impact on the society as a whole.

Laxman N. Dalal


Rajiv L. Dalal


Zain Mahuwala

Managing Director

Kaizar Mahuwala

Executive Director

Shubair Mahuwala

Executive Director

Naomi R. Dalal

Business Development