GURJAR offers a varied spectrum of anilox and application cylinders for printing solid colors, lacquer requires coating and lamination of all types as well as the application of glues. These cylinders find a wide variety of use in almost any branch of Industry.
GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS are the result of more than 50 years’ experience of GURJAR in the electroforming process in which seamless screens are produced for Textile Rotary Screen Printing for which GURJAR has been using such seamless screen rollers for more than 50 years, varying in fineness up to 305 lines per inch.
GURJAR milengraving procedure guarantees production of such seamless Anilox rollers with even screening towards the whole engraved surface, depth of screen, land width and angle which are constantly checked by means of the most modern testing equipment. Due to this working procedure, repeat engravings of the Anilox seamless rollers of the same type of screen can be made without any deviation.
GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS can be either engraved in steel or on Galvano - plated copper or nickel coats. After engraving, the rollers get a special chrome coat.
GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS have special surface geometry of 45 degree hexagon cells which adds approximately 15 % cells more per square inch over any other cell patterns. This allows us to design cells that are 15 % more shallow while delivering the same amount of ink and providing better ink release and are very easy to clean.
GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS can be engraved in various screen counts for this special hexagon surface geometry up to 305 lines per inch . Maximum Cylinder size which can be plated ( Copper , Nickel , Chromium ) and engraved would be face length up to 3.5 meters and circumference up to 1.82 meters.
Further benefits of using high quality Anilox rolls from GURJAR with this special cell geometry are as follows.
- Easy in - out flow of Ink (compare flow in & out of a glass vis - B - vis a bowl), easy pick up and transfer of ink.
- Easy to clean the rolls after every application, reducing the cleaning time.
- Ink is not retained at the bottom leading to perfect volume of ink transfer.
- Thin and uniform layout of ink film.
- Faster drying using GURJAR rolls due to even ink spread in turn higher press speeds.
- High amount of ink saving.
- Lowest cell wall thickness. This means after the ink is swiped off the wall, the blind spot is very small as compared to conventional rolls.
- GURJAR uses the highest quality of copper giving it excellent strength even with very thin cell walls. This is further enhanced with special chrome plating having hardness of more than 1000 vickers.
- The quality of print or lamination result is difficult to match when done using GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS.
Looking at the returns, both explicit and implicit, one would realize that the negligible premium commanded by GURJAR ANILOX ROLLERS is not at all a matter of concern.